One warm and sunny day, as I was heading into the house from the back yard pond, this beautiful young Female Blue Dasher Dragonfly lit on my finger.
She flatly refused to fly away, so I brought her inside with me, retrieved my camera, inserted the memory card and battery (tricky with one hand), and escorted her back outside for a photo opportunity.
She acted as if she thoroughly enjoyed it.
When I took her into the sunlight, she went into the obelisk posture (similar to a human handstand) and posed for me.
After I got my shot, I finally managed to coax her off of my finger and onto one of the broken tree limbs that I had erected as dragonfly perches, in the back yard.
I am frequently amazed by the cool critters that God puts in my path, and the beautiful photographs that result from our meeting, that I can now share with others.
Female Blue Dasher Dragonfly |
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