Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Moth in the Hand

Meet Polly.

She is a gorgeous Polyphemus Moth, in the family of Giant Silk Moths.
The beautiful eye spots on her wings are God's way of helping her to scare off predators, like Birds and Frogs, so that she can have time to pollinate some flowers, mate, and lay her tiny beige eggs.

When I first saw Polly, she was trying to perch out of the reach of several Eastern American Toads, who had been intently watching her fly in spirals, above their bumpy heads.
I guessed that she would have been like a late-night steak dinner, to them.

I offered her my hand and, to my surprise, she gladly accepted.
She must have sensed that I meant to do her no harm.
I could feel her fuzzy feet desperately grasping at my skin, to remain on my hand.
She finally climbed up my fingers, until she found a comfortable spot. 
Then she calmed down and rested for a while.

Polyphemus Moth

She flew away, shortly after daylight, the next day.
Carpe Diem, Polly.

You can View my Nature Photography here:

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Clingy Cicada

On a cool, damp morning, as my eyes scanned the area for critters, my heart leaped when I spied this big bug.

It was one of the elusive Cicadas that I had heard in the trees daily, but never actually saw.
I had finally found one near the ground, and it was alive...
(sorry, Frankenstein flashback)

I crept over to it with my heart pounding in my ears, anticipating the disappointment of the Cicada's impending hasty retreat.
To my surprise, it climbed up onto my finger, with little hesitation.

Wow, that Cicada had some kind of grip!
It latched on, like it had no intention of ever leaving my warm hand.
I quickly photographed it, still expecting it to fly away at any second.
It moved around a bit and posed for me, but never chose to leave.

After getting my photographs, I was unable to return the Cicada to its original resting spot.
It refused to relinquish my digit, until I coaxed it onto a Cypress stump with the thumb and forefinger of my other hand.
Then it finally released its fierce grip on my finger, so that I could put it down.

It was wonderful!
I was then able to get even more great photographs of the Cicada perched on the stump, before I left the area.

I thanked God and the Cicada for the prodigious photographic privilege, then I left it alone with its thoughts.
It remained on the stump for a few more hours, until the sunlight became too intense for comfort.
Then the Clingy Cicada flew off into the shady safety of the tall trees.


You can View my Nature Photography here:

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Little Leopard Frog

Here is a photograph of a small Southern Leopard Frog sitting in my hand.
This was no easy feat, by the way. These Frogs are extremely skittish.
I couldn't believe that it was actually letting me hold it, without jumping.
It tilted its head up and to the right to get a better look, directly at me.

Cute critter. 
I bet that it is relieved that I don't eat little Frog Legs.

Leopard Frog

You can View my Nature Photography here:

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Daring Dragonfly

One warm and sunny day, as I was heading into the house from the back yard pond, this beautiful young Female Blue Dasher Dragonfly lit on my finger.

She flatly refused to fly away, so I brought her inside with me, retrieved my camera, inserted the memory card and battery (tricky with one hand), and escorted her back outside for a photo opportunity.

She acted as if she thoroughly enjoyed it.
When I took her into the sunlight, she went into the obelisk posture (similar to a human handstand) and posed for me.
After I got my shot, I finally managed to coax her off of my finger and onto one of the broken tree limbs that I had erected as dragonfly perches, in the back yard.

I am frequently amazed by the cool critters that God puts in my path, and the beautiful photographs that result from our meeting, that I can now share with others.

Female Blue Dasher Dragonfly

You can View my Nature Photography here:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cute Camo

I covertly proned out in the muck, immediately following a severe late-night thunderstorm, to get a good close-up photograph of this striking Southern Leopard Frog.

Lying chest-down in the mud, mosquitoes fighting for my blood, I began to second-guess my decision to cozy up to this Frog, however handsome.

Fortunately for me, this colorfully camouflaged critter patiently permitted photography, without so much as a flinch.

I got my shots, thanked the Frog for the considerate cooperation, stumbled to my feet, inside two rain-soaked shoes, and overtly trudged back in the direction of the shower... 

Squish Squash, Squish Squash, Squish Squash.

Southern Leopard Frog

The Southern Leopard Frog is a long leaper.
When threatened, they can cover great distances in a very short time.
After fleeing the area, they will normally stop near cover and brilliantly blend in with their environment.
They remain so still that you will nearly step on them and not notice.
It is necessary for them to quickly master hiding techniques, because they have many predators, and frog legs are at the top of the menu.

You can View my Nature Photography here:

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Florida Gator Grin

I was elated to see this American Alligator smiling big for me.
The way that the evening sun was shining through the jaw, illuminating the pink flesh inside the mouth, made for an intriguing photograph.

American Alligator

I excitedly snapped my photographs, thanked the Alligator for the outstanding opportunity, and was on my merry way.

The image looks similar to the Florida Gators emblem, hence the title.

You can View my Nature Photography here:

Monday, July 8, 2019

Bedeviled Bullfrog

On a hot July evening, I thought that I heard a faint cry coming from the pond. It sounded like it was saying "Ow...Ow...Ow" in a small voice. 

I ran over and visually scanned the pond area, but I couldn't determine where the sound was actually coming from. I hurriedly grabbed my camera gear and zoomed in on a small, distant Bullfrog that was sitting in front of a hole in the high clay wall of the pond. 

As I looked on in amazement, a larger Bullfrog crawled out of the water, leaped up the bank, attempted to grab the smaller frog, then tumbled back into the water. The large frog did this several times, as my camera shutter snapped. I assumed that they were simply feuding over territory, but I couldn't have been more wrong. 

When I was able to see what was actually going on, the small frog had been swallowed nearly up to his neck, by a Water Snake that was hiding deep within the hole. The adult Bullfrog had apparently been trying to rescue the smaller one from the snake's deadly jaws. 

As I realized the severity of the situation, I gasped and quickly searched the area for a weapon. I angrily armed myself with a long stick and ran to the back ledge of the pond, above the area where the frog was being attacked. I hung precariously over the edge of the pond and furiously poked the snake with the stick until it regurgitated the frog, in order to escape my wrath. The small, thinly-stretched frog let out a loud squeak, tumbled down the pond bank and rolled into the water with a welcomed splash. 

The large Bullfrog peered up at me, in apparent appreciation, then turned and belly-flopped into the relative safety of the water. I wished the frogs well and went on my way.

Bullfrog being eaten by a Water Snake

My Nature Photography can be viewed at this website:

Monday, June 24, 2019

Big Bad Beetle

On a recent morning, I walked the dog in the back yard for a while, then returned to the house, using the rear steps. As soon as I opened the back door, the dog dashed inside. When I started to walk into the house, a small voice said, "Go look by the side steps". Because of past experiences, I didn't hesitate. I quickly closed the door and headed down the side steps, toward the yard light, wondering what was in store for me, now. 

I soon spotted a big beetle, furiously flailing on its back, with a column of Fire Ants marching nearby. I picked up a stick, for the beetle to grab onto, and lifted him out of the sand and away from the ravenous ants. He crawled up the stick and onto my left hand, where he desperately clung to my finger. His sharp little claws dug into my skin, as he fastened himself to me. I excitedly chirped, "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch", as I hastily headed for a shady spot, to examine him more closely. 

He was big and olive-yellow in color, with brown spots on his back and shiny black horns on his head. It was the elusive male Eastern Hercules Beetle, that I had been hoping to photograph, for nearly a year. Last August, I had rescued and released a female Eastern Hercules Beetle. She had knocked herself out by flying into a wooden fence in the back yard. I had been searching for a horned male since I realized how beautiful their species was.

I took him inside the house, thinking that he could better recover from his overnight ordeal, away from the scorching sun. I walked into my bedroom, wondering what I could do to make him more comfortable. As I silently sat on my bed, he calmed down and loosened his gator grip on my finger. Then he slowly crawled off of my hand, and onto my pillow, where he promptly went to sleep.

While he rested, I did some more online research on his species. Every few minutes, I would look over my shoulder, to make sure that he didn't disappear on me. I could imagine the surprise of rolling over on a big bad beetle, lost in the sheets, in the middle of the night.

Over an hour later, when I looked back for the millionth time, he was nowhere to be seen. Horrified, I jumped up and ran over to the bed. I was relieved to see him lazily crawling to the back side of the pillow.

I decided that it was a good time to take him back outside, for some photographs under a shade tree. He wouldn't stay still for long, but I got a few good shots of him, before taking him back inside. This time, to be on the safe side, I placed him in a large plastic container, with plenty of holes in the lid. I poured a little bit of maple syrup in one corner, for him to feast on. In the wild, they feed on tree sap, but I didn't have any of that to offer him. 

After a while, I heard him scratching and moving around in the container. When I checked on him, I saw that he was face down in the corner, lapping up the maple syrup. Like a cheerful child playing in mud, he had it all over his legs and face. I picked him up, to make sure that he wasn't going to drown, but he appeared to be having a syrup sipping good time. To make the container a bit more homey, I added a large piece of bark, for him to rest on. He seemed to like the new crib.

I attempted to release the male Eastern Hercules Beetle late last night, near the yard light. I took him out of the container and, when my finger was finally liberated from his death grip, put him on the ground. After over two hours, he still hadn't gone anywhere, so I returned him to his freshly-cleaned container for another stay in the house. I added a small piece of ripe banana and poured some more maple syrup in a ranch dressing bottle cap for him. He quickly went face-first into the banana slice, and was later seen sleeping on top of it. I guess that he must enjoy bananas as much as I do, although I can't recall ever sleeping on one. He totally ignored the syrup, when offered the banana option. I think that I will nickname him "Nanner Man", since he is so fond of them.

Fortunately, that afforded me another photo opportunity with him, after the sun came up the following day. Many hours later, when I first woke him up, he was lethargic and ornery, like he didn't want to be bothered. I gently rinsed the banana residue off of him with some warm water, to which he vehemently objected. When I took him outside, he flinched at the intensity of the sunlight, but once we got under a shady oak tree, he mellowed out. He crawled onto my left thumb, cinched himself to my skin, and posed for several close-up photographs. He soon became disinterested, though, and detached himself from my thumb. He then proceeded to climb up my arm, painfully poking me the whole way. I decided that it was time to take him back inside, before he tenderized my neck.

Male Eastern Hercules Beetle

My Nature Photography can be viewed at this website:

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fantastic Frog

I nearly stepped on this fantastic frog, as he hid in the grass.
I had never seen a frog that looked quite like this one.
He was lovely lime-green with dozens of small brown spots and gorgeous golden eyes.

I warned him that he had chosen a hazardous hiding place.
As I picked him up, he thought that he would be my dinner.
I told him that I don't eat Frog Legs, but he didn't believe me.
He repeatedly attempted to leap from my hand, revealing his long, slender legs.

I assured him that he was the finest frog that I had ever seen.
He looked at me like he thought that I say that to all the frogs.
I informed him that I fully intended to get some great photographs of him, to share with others, then I would release him in a safer spot where he could feed on lots of insects.
With that, he finally relented, calmed down and posed for me.

Fortunately, he allowed me to photograph him in my hand and in a small tree cavity, where he sat after I released him.
He loved feeding on the abundant insects in the area and I saw him there many more times during the long, sultry summer.

I named him Bob, the Barking Tree Frog.

Barking Tree Frog

You can View my Nature Photography here:

Monday, June 3, 2019

Sister Slider

On the way to photograph wildlife recently, I passed by a large turtle that was sitting in the left lane of the road.
I backed up and stopped the car, to remove the turtle from the dangerous roadway, before it could be crushed by a passing vehicle.

As I knelt down on the road to pick it up, I was surprised at how heavy it was. 
It was a big, beautiful green and yellow Yellow-bellied Slider that weighed approximately 10 pounds.
I assumed that it was a female, judging by the size and weight, because they typically dwarf their male counterparts in the wild.

I found a large sunny field nearby, where I gently placed her on the warm green grass.
I snapped a few quick shots with my camera, bid her adieu, and continued on to my destination.

Later on, when I passed back by the field, I noticed that she was still sitting on the grass, so I stopped again to check on her.
As I approached her, I saw that she was intently digging in the dirt with her hind legs.

To my surprise, she was in the process of digging a hole to lay her eggs in.
How exciting!
I simply had to photograph that.
She patiently waited, as I took several more pictures, then went on my way.

God provides such wonderful photographic opportunities for me, if I just be patient.

Female Yellow-bellied Slider Turtle Laying Eggs

My Nature Photography can be viewed at this website:

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Marvelous Mud Turtle

As I was returning home, the other evening, I noticed a small Eastern Mud Turtle attempting to cross the lane. I stopped the car, picked the turtle up, and took him inside the house. I placed him in a large plastic uncovered container, along with some water and Turtle Food, for the night. 

This was the first turtle of that species that I had ever seen. They are listed as "Endangered" in some states. 

The following day, I took the turtle back outside, to photograph him in the sunlight. After seeing how he extended his neck so drastically, when handled, I nicknamed him "Stretch". 

God really blesses me with a lot of cool critters to photograph. 
This is a shot of the Mud Turtle in my hand, with his neck only one third extended. 
Unfortunately, it proved impossible for me to get a clear photo when he fully stretched his neck out, and swung his head from side to side. Every shot was out of focus.

I released the little nocturnal turtle into the pond late last night. He swiftly kicked with both back legs and immediately swam away. I looked on sadly as his small, dark shell vanished below the murky surface. Several minutes passed, while I sat quietly with my bare feet on the lower ledge of the pond. Surprisingly, the turtle reappeared and crawled back up to me. He acted as if he didn't actually want to leave. I was elated, but deep inside I knew that he really belonged in the wild. I sat on the bank and talked to him for a while, then about an hour later, he finally went on his way. 

Take care, Stretch.

Eastern Mud Turtle

My Nature Photography can be viewed at this website:

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Springtime Spectacle

It is such a wonderful feeling, each year, whenever I spot the first Dragonflies patrolling the pond, and look closer to find hundreds of tiny eggs hidden in the shallows. 

The Giant Moths return to meet a mate beneath the yard lights, and the Toads show up to gorge themselves on the many late-night treats. 

At the waters edge, a choir of Frogs are singing praises to God for the much-needed rain, while the Bats are feasting on an abundance of Mosquitoes and Gnats. 

The first Songbirds begin showing off their vocal talents before the sun even breaches the horizon, while enjoying a breakfast of last night's leftovers.

Beautiful Butterflies and Bees are dashing to and fro, busily extracting nectar from the bounty of new blooms. 

In the Swamps, pollen-covered baby Alligators are desperately calling for Mama, as numerous Wading Birds squawk in their treetop nests.

Yes, the much-anticipated SPRING is finally here.
It provides a renewed sense of hope for the future, of both Human and Nature.

Male Roseate Skimmer Dragonfly

American Alligator Family

Tricolored Heron


My Nature Photography can be viewed at this website:

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Splendid Suwannee

On a recent visit to the Suwannee River, I was elated to find an extensive variety of wildlife to view and photograph. 

I first saw a colorful Red-Shouldered Hawk standing near the edge of the water. Surprisingly, it allowed me to approach close enough to get some detailed shots, before it took flight, high in the baby blue sky. 

I later happened upon a large American Alligator basking on the river bank, with a recent kill in the water nearby. It looked at me as if it thought that I might try to steal it's leftovers. After excitedly snapping some great photographs, I continued on.

While intently watching seven Alligators gathering at a sharp bend in the river, I observed a Wood Stork flying over my head. I hurriedly followed it, until it landed in the top of a towering Cypress Tree. It perched and posed for several minutes, for me to get some great shots.

A short time later, a gorgeous Great Blue Heron perched in a nearby tree, with limbs draped in Spanish Moss. What a photograph that made.

As the sun settled in the swamp, I counted my many blessings and thanked God for all of the beautiful creatures that He created, and generously allows me to photograph. What a day.

Red-Shouldered Hawk

American Alligator

Wood Stork

Great Blue Heron

My Nature Photography can be viewed at this website: